speech therapy

Personalized Instruction

preschool and school age speech and language therapy

Preschool and school age speech and language therapy is ideal for any child who struggles to use words, produce clear speech, follow instructions in the classroom, share their ideas or has challenges with the social aspects of language. Perhaps a teacher has expressed concern related to your child’s speech or language skills. Or perhaps you have noticed some difficulties yourself. If you have concerns, it is best to check with a professional. A certified Speech – Language therapist will answer your questions, help you understand if your child’s communication skills are behind and if they would benefit from an evaluation.

Using play is the best way to build trust with children and engage them in learning new skills.

Speech and language services for children

Pediatric Speech Assessment

Ideal for children having trouble being understood by others, such as their teachers, friends or unfamiliar adults.

  • Background information
  • 1 x 45-60 minute appointment
  • Speech sound analysis
  • Oral motor evaluation
  • Speech sample
  • Assessment Report
  • Review of findings

On completion of your child’s assessment report, you will be clear which type of speech sounds your child is struggling with, which ones interfere the most, and which type of motor-speech difficulty they present with. You will receive a recommended customized therapy plan based specifically on your child’s needs.

Your Investment: $320

Speech Therapy and language services for children

Pediatric Language Assessment

Ideal for children who are struggling with their communication, having trouble either following verbal information or expressing their thoughts.

  • Background Information
  • 2-3 x 45 minute appointments
  • Formal language testing
  • Speech sample
  • Parent Interview / Questionnaire
  • Data Analysis
  • Assessment Report
  • Review of findings

On completion of your child’s assessment report, you will have important information about your child’s language abilities, clarity on where their language skills lie relative to age-based norms, and a prioritized list of communication goals. You will receive a recommended customized therapy plan designed specifically to support your child’s language development and academic success.

Your Investment: $825

Speech Therapy and language services for children


Your child is ready for preschool and school age speech and language therapy once they have had an assessment either with Cytryn Speech or another certified SLP.

I work closely with your child teaching new speech-language skills and I coach you, as the parent, so you are equipped to support and enhance your child’s progress.


  • Session planning
  • Homework exercises
  • Ongoing evaluation
  • Brief phone calls and emails

Therapy sessions are offered in comprehensive 8 session packages.

Your Investment: 8 x 30-minute sessions $1,020,  8 x 45-minute sessions $1,360

Any additional services, including but not limited to: meetings, team consultations, classroom observations, and progress reports are available at a rate of $190 per hour.

Frequently Asked Questions

As a firm believer in early intervention, it is never too early to seek advice if you feel there are signs of a speech or language delay. Although speech and language skills develop at different rates in each child, if you have concerns about your child’s communication skills, or if others are having trouble understanding them, it is best to schedule a consultation. Speech and language skills are essential to academic success and learning. Difficulties with the development of speech sounds can result in difficulties later with reading, spelling and overall learning skills. Early intervention—preschool speech therapy— is key to helping children develop strong communication skills.

I offer the option of working with individuals at their home or school on Vancouver’s North Shore. It is best to ask your school if they will accommodate such an arrangement. Travel fees apply.

Yes, when required. Attendance at team meetings allows a mutual exchange of information between your private speech-language pathologist (SLP) and other professionals working with your child. Your child benefits when all practitioners are aware of each other’s goals, strategies and recommendations to support academic and social success. A classroom observation allows your private SLP to observe first hand how your child responds to the classroom routine, environment, peers and instructions, and also check in with the teacher about specific concerns. The observations are shared with the classroom teacher in the form of suggestions to boost your child’s success in the classroom. Meetings and classroom observations are usually scheduled outside of regular therapy appointments and are billed at an hourly rate. Travel fees apply.

Parents are encouraged to stay for an assessment. If a parent is unable to attend then another family member or caregiver should attend. This will help put your child at ease and more easily allow us to exchange information. It is not necessary for parents to attend each therapy session in full. However, it is important to at least be present for the last 10-15 minutes of the session to review the week’s goals and homework. When staying for a session, parents are encouraged to turn off their phones and attend to the events of the session.

Length of therapy varies depending on factors such as: the specific speech or language problem, the nature and age of your child, pace of learning, and both quantity and quality of practice. Families typically notice some improvement after approximately eight sessions.

Quantity and quality of practice is needed to replace old speaking habits with new ones. Newly learned skills become more natural, comfortable and automatic when practiced. Practice is strongly recommended to consolidate and carry over new skills to daily routines. During our sessions I will review the skills and techniques to practice at home.

Yes. I am happy to liaise with any other professionals working with your child. Your child’s school may have policies regarding private therapists. It is best to let your school SLP know that you plan to work with a private SLP as well. We can discuss how to collaborate and address specific goals for the maximum benefit to your child.

There are standards for developmental milestones. If it appears as though your child is behind what is expected for their age, it’s a good idea to book a consultation with a speech language pathologist. For reference you may look at the Speech Language and Hearing Milestones.

If you did not find the answer you were looking for, contact me directly, and I will be happy to help you! 

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